Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that affects the thinking capacity of an individual. This brain disorder mainly damages the memory, and it hampers the ability to think clearly or do tasks efficiently. Typically, it affects people above 65 years because it usually starts when a person is old and it worsens with time. In rare cases, you will find a younger person with this condition.
Alzheimer’s disease is fatal, so spotting their symptoms earlier can make a huge difference. We will explain the symptoms, causes, stages, and treatment of Alzheimer’s. So, fasten your seat belt and get ready to be enlightened about this condition.
What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects a lot of older people. It makes it hard to remember things, think clearly, and act normally. From studies, this disease is claimed to affect at least 1 person in every 10 people aged above 65 years, and the number increases with older age. Alzheimer’s disease is more likely to happen as people get older, but it is not a natural part of aging.
Alzheimer’s disease comes in 2 major types.
- Sporadic Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type and normally affects those above 65 years. However, the cause isn’t clear.
- Familial Alzheimer’s disease, also termed hereditary, is caused by a rare genetic problem. People with this type usually have symptoms in their 40s and 50s & called younger onset dementia.
Dementia vs Alzheimer’s
Dementia is a general term for a variety of symptoms that affect cognitive abilities, while Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that leads to progressive memory loss.
Alzheimer’s disease damages the brain and its thinking, which eventually affects the capability to perform simple tasks. Dementia, on the other hand, is a loss of brain functioning like remembering and reasoning. The behavior activities are also affected. When it comes to dementia vs Alzheimer’s you should understand the basic difference.
Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease first affects the brain, impairing the ability to think, act and talk properly. Sometimes, body functions like controlling the bowel and bladder may also be affected.
Normally, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease progresses very slowly. The disease can last from five to 20 years before a person dies.
However, behavior changes and the period in which the symptoms develop varies between people.
Some of the Alzheimer’s disease symptoms that often occur in its early stages are:
- Memory loss: One top sign of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in its early stages, is memory loss. Alzheimer’s disease primarily affects behavior, thinking, and memory. People with this condition will lose items easily and forget people’s names or recent conversations they had.
- Speech problem: Early signs of Alzheimer’s can also include speech issues. This neurodegenerative disorder affects several cognitive functions, like communication skills. People with this condition may have difficulty saying the same thing again or keeping up with a conversation.
- Concentration problems: People with Alzheimer’s also have problems with concentration. Usually, they will find it hard to make choices, fix problems, or finish tasks that have many steps, like preparing a meal.
- Changes in mood/personality: Becoming confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful, or anxious. They easily get upset at home, at work, with friends, or in places where they are out of their comfort zone.
“With time, the Alzheimer’s disease symptoms mentioned will even get more severe and, at a later stage, cause the following”
- Delusions: In the later stages of the disease, when the cognitive decline is higher, a person may start being delusional. This mostly reflects the confusion and disorientation that a person experiences when the brain deteriorates. For instance, they may start believing that someone is stealing from them.
- Difficulty walking or talking: Alzheimer’s disease can affect various regions of the brain that are responsible for motor balance and coordination. This will lead to gait problems such as loss of balance and difficulty initiating movement or shuffling steps.
- Agitation and irritability: Also, individuals may get easily agitated, irritable, or restless and act in ways that aren’t normal. They may also get very angry and violent in situations that didn’t bother them previously.
- Social withdrawal: People may pull away more and more from social contact and things they used to like doing. They may not care about being with family and friends or joining in hobbies or community events.
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Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
The stages of Alzheimer’s disease are progressive. However, different people go through different stages in their way. It is important to know these stages so that the healthcare provider of family members can make the correct decisions to care properly for the person with such a disease.
Here are the stages of Alzheimer’s disease;
- Preclinical stage
At this stage, the brain starts to change even before a person shows any symptoms of the disease & can go on for years without being detected.
- Mild, early stage
The middle stage usually goes on for the longest and can take several years. Symptoms get worse and affect how a person does everyday things.
For instance, they may have difficulty remembering their name, recent activities, where they put a valuable object, etc.
- Moderate, middle stage
This stage is the longest and lasts many years. Some of the symptoms can be forgetting things, having difficulty with learning new things, struggling to plan complex events, like a meal, not remembering their name, but still knowing things about their own life, like where they live and their phone number, etc.
- Severe, late-stage
In the late stage, people have a lot of problems with thinking and doing things. They can hardly communicate, and they may not talk or make sense of what others say.
For instance, they may have problems with bladder control, lose physical abilities, need help with activities most of the time, etc.
Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment
Alzheimer’s disease has a very tough cure. You will also see different early signs of alzheimer’s disease. The brain cells that die cannot come back to life. However, treatments can help with the symptoms and make life better for the person and their loved ones.
Follow these care to if anyone has Alzheimer’s Disease
- Effectively manage any condition that comes with the disease.
- Engage in daycare programs.
- Engage in support groups and services.
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that usually affects the nerve cells by accumulating tangles and plaques, which later on interfere with its major function. This results in memory loss.
Understand the Alzheimer’s disease symptoms at a very early stage. Even though there is no way to reverse the problem once it happens, taking part in therapies can be helpful.
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